Brunei will be sending a representative to the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games 2013 Anti-Doping Education Outreach Programme which will be held in Naypyidaw Myanmar.
Brunei will be joined by host Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam at the December 11 to 19 event organise by the South-East Asia Anti-Doping Organisation (SEA RADO) &Myanmar Sea Games Organising Committee (MYASOC).
Sukardi Kaderi, the Head of Education & Outreach Brunei Darussalam Anti-Doping Committee (BDADC) will be representing the country at the event which was funded by UNESCO.
"I am looking forward to get the experiences in doing education outreach at the international level, where we will approach more international athletes from Asean region to promote 'Play true!' and 'Say no!' to doping," said Sukardi in an interview with The Brunei Times yesterday.
"At the same time we want to give the message that World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), SEA RADO and the national anti-doping organisations are taking doping seriously," he said.
A national athlete recently was dropped from the 27th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games contingent after testing positive by the BDADC.
"It is sad to see that athlete being dropped from the sea games but he was lucky that he was caught during off-competition test otherwise it will bring much shame to Brunei if he was found positive during in-competition tests," continued Sukardi.
"This should become an example for the athletes not to take any kind of supplements without checking it through qualified doctors from our Sports Medicine & Research Centre (SMRC).
"Whatever the circumstances, athletes must avoid taking supplements especially not knowing if the substances are prohibited.
"The athlete is all responsible for himself, however we at BDADC will do extra work to make sure that all the athletes will be educate on doping and its consequences.
"More programmes will commence such as anti-doping awareness certification programmes and the "Say no to doping!" pledge.
Sukardi added that more outreach programmes will also be conducted such as getting local sports events held in Brunei to promote 'Play true!' and 'Say no!' anti-doping mottos.
His Royal Highness Prince Hj Sufri Bolkiah, the president of the Brunei Darussalam National Olympic Council (BDNOC), previously urged all athletes "to say no to doping".
HRH asked all athletes to remain vigilant and stressed the importance of keeping away from banned substances to avoid any punishments.